Choisya x dewitteana ‘Aztec Pearl’
(CHOY-zee-ah  duh-wit-ee-AY-nuh)

Family: Rutaceae

Common name: Mexican mock orange; Mexican orange blossom
Zone: 7 – 10
Height: 8 ft (2.5m)
Spread: 8 ft (2.5m)
Aspect: full sun; partial shade
Soil: fertile; well-draining
Water: regular

An evergreen, dense, rounded shrub. Aromatic, glossy, bright yellow-green leaves made up of three oblong leaflets. Clusters of fragrant, star-shaped, creamy white flowers appear in late spring. There may be a second flowering in autumn.

Special Notes:
A cross between Choisya ternata and Choisya dumosa var. arizonica bred by Peter Moore of Hilliers Nurseries in 1982. This cultivar was the first hybrid in the genus and named for the French nurseryman, Dominique de Witte.

Needs some protection in Zone 7. Will tolerate seaside conditions but not direct exposure to salty winds. Prune into shape after flowering. Leaves will be more golden yellow if grown in full sun. Propagate by softwood cuttings in late spring; hardwood cuttings in autumn.

In our Zone 7a garden:
Choisya x dewitteana ‘Aztec Pearl’ resides under the eave on the right corner at the front of the house. The eave provides protection when our winter temperatures dip to -12 °C (10.4 °F) and lower some years. ‘Aztec Pearl’ is also protected in that spot from the prevailing SE winds which seem to be getting increasingly stronger each year.

RHS Award of Garden Merit 1993

Posted on January 17, 2013; updated on January 15, 2025