February 26, 2024
John and I have spent quite a few days out in the garden already this month, as weather permits. Winter cleanup is underway as well as necessary pruning. So nice to see signs that some of our plants are coming out of hibernation as we pull the winter mulch off the beds. Spring is definitely coming! And Sadie cannot wait! She is excited to welcome you and escort you on a tour of “her” garden.
If the weather cooperates, we are hopeful Growing Concern Cottage Garden will open for the season around the middle of April. So stay tuned!
We love to welcome garden clubs and other groups to our garden but encourage you to book a date and time prior to your visit in case another group has booked the same date.
There is no admission charge to visit our garden but we do have plants for sale.
Hope to see you soon!
Updated on February 26, 2024
Leslie & John Cox
(aka. Duchess of Dirt & Duke of Compost)
Growing Concern Cottage Garden
7896 Fairview Rd
Black Creek, BC V9J 1G5