Insects We Have Found is an on-going, documented project of the numerous insect species we have discovered in the gardens. Some are beneficial…others are dastardly pests. I have provided as much detail about their description, life cycle, host plants, etc…as well as many comprehensive photographs as I have been able to obtain.
Check back periodically as I add more information and photos on the various species as I find them in our garden.
Updated February 25, 2024
- Araneus trifolium (pumpkin spider)
- Archaeognatha (bristletail)
- Bombus vosnesenskii (yellow-faced bumble bee)
- Celastrina echo echo (western spring azure butterfly)
- Dolichovespula maculata (bald-faced hornet)
- Harpaphe haydeniana (cyanide millipede)
- Leptoglossus occidentalis (western conifer seed bug)
- Scaphinotus angusticollis (narrow-collared snail-eating beetle)
- Aphis sambuci (elder aphid)
- Brevicoryne brassicae (cabbage aphid)
- Caliroa cerasi (pear or cherry sawfly)
- Catocala briseis (briseis underwing moth)
- Contarinia quinquenotata (hemerocallis gall midge)
- Helicoverpa zea (tomato fruitworm)
- Hyphantria cunea (fall webworm)
- Malacosoma californicum pluviale (northern tent caterpillar)
- Malacosoma disstria (forest tent caterpillar)
- Otiorhynchus sulcatus – black vine weevil
- Pieris rapae (small white cabbage butterfly)
- Pulvinaria floccifera (cottony camellia scale)
- Spilosoma virginica (yellow woolly bear)
- Stephanitis pyrioides (azalea lace bug)
- Stephanitis takeyai (pieris lacebug)
- Whitefly
Latest insect ID addition: May 17, 2022