Photo coming soon

Solanum lycospersicum      Family: Solanacaea
(so-LA-num  ly-koh-PER-see-kum) 

Common name: ‘Black Krim’ 
syn. ‘Black Crimea’
Zone: 9 – 11
Height: indeterminate vine
Aspect: sun; partial shade 
Soil: humus-rich; moist
Water: regular 
Days to maturity: 75 – 85 from transplanting

Description: Medium- to large-sized, slightly flattened fruits are dark red with purple and green shoulders, although colour can be variable, according to your climate. Typically, the hotter the climate, the darker the fruits. Interior flesh colour leans towards green. Very juicy with a unique, slightly salty taste. Excellent for slicing, salads and tomato sandwiches. Indeterminate vine with regular leaf foliage.


Special Notes: An open-pollinated heirloom tomato that pre-dates the Russian Revolution of 1907. From the Crimean Peninsula on the north coast of the Black Sea. Discovered by Lars Olov Rosenstrom of Sweden and introduced into Europe in 1990. Very productive. Best grown under some protection but can be grown outdoors. Can be prone to some cracking at the stem end.



Posted on April 7, 2015